Louisiana Firefighters

All registration is to be submitted by the Training Coordinator of your agency through the Acadis portal. The public Available Training calendar is available for viewing upcoming classes.  To be registered for a class or testing, you must have an Acadis Portal account. If you have not obtained one, please follow the directions HERE

  • For information regarding registration for the Industrial Fire Training program, contact FETA_Industrial_Fire@la.gov
  • For information regarding registration and class dates for the Emergency Medical program, contact FETA_EMS@la.gov


Out of State/ Unaffiliated 

If you are not affiliated with a Louisiana fire service agency or a client industrial fire brigade, please complete the Unaffiliated Student Training Request, and someone from registration will contact you for the next steps. 

Authorization for Attendance

Enrollment is open to emergency response personnel and other persons, 18 years of age or older (see exception below), who are interested in fire and emergency response training. All students attending FETA classes must have authorization from their organization. The authorizing organization is responsible for ensuring that the student meets the minimal educational, training performance, and physical standards required by the National Fire Protection Association and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for the type of training for which he/she is registering.

Exception: Students who are 16 years of age may be eligible to enter a Basic Life Support for Healthcare Provider and First Responder Course if other requirements and prerequisites of the LA Bureau of EMS (BEMS) are met. These students must also have written permission from their legal guardian.

Disability Accommodations

Individuals with disabilities may have different types of limitations that affect their abilities to take tests. The Americans with Disabilities Act (as amended) (ADAA) and the Rehabilitation Act ensure that individuals with disabilities have the opportunity to have equal and fair access. This equal and fair access is accomplished through reasonable testing accommodations at the Louisiana Fire and Emergency Training Academy. Requests for accommodations will be considered on a case-by-case basis once adequate contemporary documentation of the disability and need for the specific accommodations requested have been provided. Accommodations which would alter essential elements of a particular program, included but not limited to reading and passing written examinations, will not be granted. To request the accommodations paperwork and process, please follow the directions on the memorandum below.

Requests for accommodations must be received by FETA at least 30 days prior to a certification exam or the start of a course or registration for testing.

Testing Accommodations:

Please read the OSFM-FETA MEMORANDUM - Request for Testing Accommodation Guidelines for details.

Open Enrollment Course Charges

Some courses are offered at no charge to the Louisiana Municipal Fire Departments who are issued a Fire Department ID from the State Fire Marshal's Office and are supported by the 2% Fire Insurance Fund. Any student who does not fall into that category must pay all course charges by the start of the class. All stated charges are per person.

Some courses have charges that are used to help defer the cost of insurance and training materials. Charges must be paid in advance at time of registration, or a copy of a valid purchase order (PO) must be provided for invoicing with the company billing address identified. Accepted payment methods are: check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover card. This payment policy does not apply to client-specific courses.

Course charges are nonrefundable unless cancellation is confirmed in writing and received at the FETA office at least two weeks prior to the starting date of the class. Once an individual has enrolled, if cancellation is not received at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the class, that individual or the sponsoring agency will be billed even if he/she does not attend. If a student is unable to attend a class, another participant may be substituted by the authorizing agency before the class begins as long as that individual qualifies. Successful course completion represents an 80% attendance and participation level. In the event the course is cancelled, course charges will be refunded.

FETA has been directed to implement a number of procedural changes when class cancellation requests are received. Registration cancellations/changes related to medical emergencies, death of immediate family members, being directed by your home agency for response to an emergency or natural disaster, civil duties, or court proceedings will be accepted. Registration cancellations/changes, which are required in writing by fax or email, should include a concise justification supporting your request.

Information concerning charges for individual courses will be listed along with the course description.

Charges are subject to change without prior notice.

**The VA requires that all prior courses, credits and military training/experience be evaluated for potential transfer credit towards a student’s training program. Transcripts must be turned in prior to the start of a training program.  Each transfer student will have their previous training and courses evaluated prior to their enrollment at the Training Academy.  Appropriate credit will be given for any applicable transfer credit/prior training and experience at the time a prior credit evaluation is completed. 

Course Check-in

Upon arrival at the institute, each student must check-in. Check-in will take place from 7:30 am to 8:00 am on the reporting date. Some special classes are held at night, and starting and ending times may vary.


Some courses may be requested from FETA throughout the year and delivered at locations statewide. Due to its nature, it is highly recommended that a class be requested at least 90 days in advance of the intended delivery date. Subsequent delivery is subject to the availability of the instructor.


Reading and passing written examinations are an essential element of many of the FETA programs. Requests for accommodations for disabilities will be considered on a case by case basis once adequate contemporary documentation of the disability and of the need for the specific accommodations requested have been provided. Accommodations which would alter essential elements of a particular program will not be granted.

Certification Exam:

Many of the FETA courses offer the option of taking the certification examination for that particular course. If the student chooses to take the certification examination that is coordinated through the Louisiana Fire Marshal Fire and Emergency Training Academy, there is an additional charge. The charge is not the same for each examination and it is not included in the course fees. Not all courses offer a certification exam. More certification information can be found under the Certifications tab.