Certification Search 

Requires last name and FEMA SID for person being searched.


Certification testing for the following levels are currently not available to challenge: 

  • Live Fire Instructor
  • Live Fire Instructor In Charge
  • Fire Investigator
  • Fire Officer 4
  • Rope Rescue Awareness
  • Rope Rescue Operations
  • Rope Rescue Technician

These levels have recently been updated to the newest NFPA edition to retain compliance with accreditation. As a result, these levels are NOT available to challenge. To qualify for written testing, candidates must attend an approved program and undergo skill examination by approved evaluators.

This process is not intended to force everyone to a LaFETA course but rather to ensure the curriculum is sufficient to prepare candidates for certification testing. These levels contain a significant emphasis on skill development during the training process to prepare the candidate for skill examination. Once the curriculum has completed the pilot phase, they will be available for handoff to entities on a case-by-case basis. While the handoff program is still being developed, the rough outline will include mentoring and approval for each instructor and evaluator by those involved in the pilot phase. This is done to ensure consistency in the curriculum and skill evaluation. 

LaFETA staff are working with local jurisdictions to implement the handoff of the curriculum listed above. 

If you are interested in conducting one of the Programs listed above, please contact the Certification Office.



Testing Process

Training Requirement

Training for Professional Credentialing may be conducted by any Louisiana fire service agency. All training conducted for certification must meet the following:

  • Be conducted in accordance with relevant and current NFPA standards
  • Be registered in Acadis 30 days prior to the start date. 
  • Students will need to be registered no later than the second day of class.
  • Scheduling of written testing will be scheduled separately from the class but may be scheduled on the last day of class depending on proctor availability.

The Candidate

Each candidate for certification will be one of the following:

  • A member of a Louisiana fire department
  • A member of some other Louisiana emergency responder organization
  • A member of an industrial corporation that has been approved for certification
  • An individual or out of state personnel taking a class at the OSFM Fire and Emergency Training Academy
  • An individual currently enrolled in a Louisiana High School Firefighter Program that is accredited by the Louisiana Fire and Emergency Training Academy. 

In all cases, a test request will need to be submitted by your Training Coordinator if you are with a Louisiana Fire Agency or Industrial client, All test requests must be submitted through the Acadis portal by the Training Coordinator of you agency.

If you are not with a Louisiana Fire Agency or Industrial client please complete the Unaffiliated Training Request.  .

Candidates for certification must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Identification and age are verified with a photographed ID (driver's license). The fire chief/administrator, training officer, or pre-approved designate of the department/organization recommends the candidate for examination. No individual or out of state personnel will be examined unless he/she is taking a class at the OSFM Fire and Emergency Training Academy.

General Testing Information

This procedure provides the framework and timelines necessary to comply with certification policy, therefore accreditation, in assuring all candidates complete all steps to obtain certification. Our accrediting agencies (IFSAC and ProBoard) view skill and written examination processes are co-equal halves necessary for the issuing of certification. Therefore, the timelines necessary to assure this requirement is met universally, this process must be followed. Where formal classes are being taught; regardless of the agency conducting such training, a group of students is moving through the process guided by an instructor. Thus, timelines can be adjusted without violation of the certification process if the “Closed Testing Event Timeline” is followed. We can only use the “Closed Testing Event Timeline” process where formal classes are being taught.  

Moving forward, the testing cycle has changed: 

  • “Testing cycle” as used in this procedure, means a group of three written exams conducted in a one-year period. 

  • Skills will be valid for one year or three written exam attempts. 

  • Candidates will be allowed 3 attempts at a written exam: 

    • The first cycle of attempts may be by challenge, however the “Open Testing Event Timeline” described below must be followed. 

    • The third attempt is at the discretion of the AHJ. 

  • If the candidate is unsuccessful after the initial 3 attempts (first testing cycle), a certificate of completion of a formal training course conducted by an AHJ will be required before the candidate can begin any subsequent testing cycles. The course must be listed in Acadis prior to starting. A new course and course certificate will be required to begin a new testing cycle.  

    • Any AHJ may conduct the training, however the training must meet the relevant NFPA standard. 
    • The additional training must be listed in Acadis for tracking.    
    • The AHJ conducting the training shall issue a certificate of completion only after the student has successfully completed the entire program.  
      • The certificate must include the following:  

      • NFPA standard and chapters of the standard covered by the program. 

      • Date the candidate successfully completed the training.  

      • Signatures of the lead instructor for the program and the Fire Chief of the AHJ.  

    • The certificate of completion is posted to the candidates record.  

    • The certificate will be uploaded with the registration as a prerequisite on any testing requested beyond the first cycle. 

Grading and Results:

Once your exam is processed, the results will be available in your Acadis portal generally within 7-10 business days . No telephone or fax requests for results, (including pass or fail), shall be granted.


Skills Evaluation Expiration:

Skills exams will be valid for one year from the date passed or three attempts. 

Examination Time Limits:

Examination times may vary, but the maximum amount of time for all written examinations is no more than two (2) hours, unless approved accommodations are applied.

Filling Out the Form

The fire chief or administrator of the department recommends the candidate for examination and will need to register the candidate via the Acadis portal. The candidate can view the Available Training schedule (Use the filter, keyword "Certification" to see the certification exam dates and times offered.

The candidate can take any test at any one of the test sites as long as the specific test requirements are met. The requirements for each specific examination can be found by clicking on the chosen examination listed in the list of available exams. Pre-registration is required and must be completed by the deadline listed. Walk-in registration at the test site will not be accepted.

Any candidate that does not show up for the examination, the department or organization will be subject to the charge. In order to avoid charges, test candidate cancellations must be made twenty-four (24) hours before the scheduled test time.

Certification Contacts

First, please review our Frequently Asked Questions prior to contacting the Certification Office directly. 

Second, All candidates should direct examination questions to their Training Coordinator (Chief or Training Officer) within your respective agency. Your Training Coordinator should always be your first point of contact. If your Training Coordinator cannot answer your question please complete the Technical Support Request webform below. 

We ask that individual candidates not contact the Certification Office directly. Your Training Coordinator can contact us in the event they cannot answer your question.

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Phone: (225) 372-6944
  • Mail:              Fire and Emergency Training Academy Certification Program
                          6868 Nicholson Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70820

Costs & Fees

Non-supported Louisiana Fire Department Members/Industrial/Individual Fees:

The fee for candidates that are not a member of a Louisiana Fire department supported by the 2% Fire Insurance Fund is $80.00 and must be paid prior to or on the day of the examination, unless other arrangement have been approved by the Manager of Certification. Allowed payment options include purchase order, credit card, money order, or check.

Supported Louisiana Fire Department Members:

Candidates that are a member of a Louisiana Fire department supported by the 2% Fire Insurance Fund, the costs are as follows:

  • $20/exam for Hazmat Awareness, Hazmat Operations, Firefighter I, and Firefighter II
  • $35/exam for all other examinations
  • These examination charges will be invoiced to the candidate’s department, unless other arrangements for payment are made

Steps to Receiving Confirmation Notice for Testing:

A candidate for certification must meet the prerequisite requirements as outlined by NFPA Professional Qualifications and the Louisiana Firefighter Certification Program for the certification level requested. The requirements for each specific examination can be found by clicking on the chosen examination listed in the Certifications Offered listing. After the Certification program receives a valid candidate's test request form, the request is then processed for approval. Upon completion of the processing, a confirmation notice is sent electronically to the fire chief, training officer, or pre-determined designate, not to the candidate. This confirmation letter will include details regarding any prerequisite information that is still needed prior to the candidate taking the exam.


Dishonesty of any kind with respect to examinations, alterations of records, or attempts to use the mail to obtain certification will not be tolerated. Examinations must represent the student's own work and must be completed in the presence of an approved Lead Evaluator without the assistance of books, notes, devices, or outside help, unless specified otherwise in the examination directions. Candidates who give information to a dishonest candidate will be considered as culpable as the candidate being assisted.

Electronic Devices:

No electronic devices are permitted during an examination. This includes but is not limited to cell phones, pagers, smart watches, radios, etc.

The Louisiana Fire and Emergency Training Academy Certification Program is a voluntary program.

Disability Accommodations

Individuals with disabilities may have different types of limitations that affect their abilities to take tests. The Americans with Disabilities Act (as amended) (ADAA) and the Rehabilitation Act ensure that individuals with disabilities have the opportunity to have equal and fair access. This equal and fair access is accomplished through reasonable testing accommodations at the Louisiana Fire and Emergency Training Academy. Requests for accommodations will be considered on a case by case basis once adequate contemporary documentation of the disability and need for the specific accommodations requested have been provided. Accommodations which would alter essential elements of a particular program, included but not limited to reading and passing written examinations, will not be granted. To request the accommodations paperwork and process, please follow the directions on the memorandum below.

Please read the OSFM-FETA MEMORANDUM - Request for Testing Accommodation Guidelines for details.


Select to review a complete list of the certifications offered by Louisiana Fire & Emergency Training Academy Certification Program.



Certification Testing Schedule

If you are interested in becoming a valid test site, the Training Coordinator for your agency should complete the "Written Certification Exam Site Application" webform from their portal (Requires Training Coordinator Permission in Acadis). 

This process involves conducting a site visit of the requested facility so please make sure you are making the request in a timely manner if it coincides with a specific course you are teaching.

Once your test site has been approved and you have received the Certification testing site approval letter, actual test dates can be requested 30 days in advance. Not all test dates are guaranteed. Test dates will be granted based on location, proctor availability, Certification schedule, and quantity of test sites already scheduled during the request time frame.

All events labeled "OPEN Certification Testing" on the Acadis Available Training calendar are open enrollment and test requests may be submitted by your Training Coordinator for these events.

The Available Training calendar can be filtered to certification events by using the keyword "Certification".


Further questions??

If you have additional question not covered above please refer to the FAQ page

Secure Testing Portal     -- Requires Proctor Login Credentials

Louisiana Fire & Emergency Training Academy
6868 Nicholson Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70820
Phone: (225)-372-6944