Testing Information

  • Training Coordinator shall submit a test request
  • All test requests must be submitted through the Acadis portal by the Training Coordinator of your agency
  • Candidate must meet all applicable prerequisite training requirements
  • Identification is verified with a photographed ID (driver's license)
  • The fire chief/administrator, training officer, or pre-approved designate of the department/organization recommends the candidate for examination

No individual or out of state personnel will be examined unless he/she is taking a class at the OSFM Fire and Emergency Training Academy

If you are not with a Louisiana Fire Agency or Industrial client, please complete the Unaffiliated Training Request.

  • First written examination must be taken within 1 year of course completion
  • Skills will be valid for one year or three written exam attempts.
  • Candidates will be allowed 3 attempts at a written exam
  • The third attempt is at the discretion of the AHJ.
  • If the candidate is unsuccessful after the initial 3 attempts, the course must be re-taken

Steps to Receiving Confirmation Notice for Testing:

After the Certification Division receives a valid candidate's test request form, the request is then processed for approval. Upon completion of the processing, a confirmation notice is sent electronically to the fire chief, training officer, or pre-determined designate – not to the candidate. This confirmation letter will include details regarding any prerequisite information that is still needed prior to the candidate taking the exam.

  • Once your exam is processed, the results are typically available very quickly, but can take up to 7 to 10 business days and will be available in your Acadis portal
    • No telephone or fax requests for results, shall be granted.
  • Examination Time Limits:
    • Examination times may vary, but the maximum amount of time for all written examinations is no more than two (2) hours, unless approved accommodations are applied.
  • Candidates should direct examination questions to their Training Coordinator (Chief or Training Officer) within your respective agency – not the certification office
  • Certifications will be accessible to view and print from your Acadis account approximately 14 days following the examination

These examination charges will be invoiced to the candidate’s department, unless other arrangements for payment are made

Allowed payment options include purchase order, credit card, money order, or check.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (as amended) (ADAA) and the Rehabilitation Act ensure that individuals with disabilities have the opportunity to have equal and fair access. This equal and fair access is accomplished through reasonable testing accommodations at the Louisiana Fire and Emergency Training Academy. Requests for accommodations will be considered once adequate contemporary documentation of the disability and need for the specific accommodations requested have been provided. To request the accommodations paperwork and process, please follow the directions on the memorandum below.

Please read the OSFM-FETA MEMORANDUM - Request for Testing Accommodation Guidelines for details.

If you are interested in becoming a valid test site, the Training Coordinator for your agency should complete the "Written Certification Exam Site Application" webform from their portal (Requires Training Coordinator Permission in Acadis).

The Louisiana Fire and Emergency Training Academy Certification Program is a voluntary program.

Louisiana Fire & Emergency Training Academy
6868 Nicholson Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70820
Phone: (225)-372-6944

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Louisiana Fire & Emergency Training Academy
Louisiana Fire & Emergency Training Academy