Standard: NFPA 1021, 2020, Chapter 6

Accredited: IFSAC: Yes, Pro Board: No

Prerequisite(s): Fire Officer II, Practical

Description: Fire Officer III is a front line or staff officer and supervisor in the fire department organization, a person certified to this level will be able to perform routine administrative functions, assist in the development of hiring, promoting and promoting professional development of members of the fire department, follow department/agency administrative polices, assist in the budget process by developing program budgets and the development of "requests for proposals"(RFP's), interact with the media by assisting press releases, manage multi-agency responses to major incidents following department policies and national guidelines, evaluate department inspection, assist in the development of community emergency response plans, review initial accident reports and make recommendations to change policy or procedures, and determine the effectiveness of a post-incident analysis (PIA) program.

Requirements for Certification: Candidates shall be at least 18 years of age. Complete a practical skills examination with a "Passing" score. Complete an 80 question written examination with a passing score of 70% or higher.