Course Description:
The Rapid Intervention Crews course was developed for firefighters to expand their rescue skills in order to function proficiently as a Rapid Intervention Crew member. The student will learn Air Management techniques, proper May Day operations and Emergency Communications, breaching and bailout techniques, and how to efficiently remove downed Firefighters using the latest Removal Techniques and self-survival skills. This course consists of (1) eight-hour day of classroom lecture and (4) days of extensive hands-on training. The course consists of 40 hours of total training. Students attending the course should be in good physical condition. The student must be certified at the level of Firefighter II in order to participate in the course and must bring full PPE including, an SCBA with a spare cylinder for the duration of the course. All PPE and SCBAs must be within their allowable test dates and will be inspected by FETA instructors. The student will be issued his/her course book on the first day of class.
The student must be certified in Firefighter II from the Louisiana Firefighter Certification Program or another agency accredited by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) or Pro Board.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be administered the written state-certified exam on the final day of class. If the student is successful in passing the written exam, the Louisiana State Certification will be awarded. This course adheres to NFPA Standard 1407, the Standard for training fire service rapid intervention crews (2020).