The program was created to support collaborative agreements between High Schools and Fire Departments to train and prepare for professional credentialing of high school students in preparation for a career in Firefighting.
The Louisiana Fire & Emergency Training Academy (LaFETA) is the authorizing body for local programs. LaFETA does not conduct the training but conducts oversight and certification testing for all high school programs within Louisiana at the direction of the Louisiana Workforce Commission.
Participants in local programs authorized by LaFETA are granted an exception to the age requirement for credentialing as described below:
All skill and written certification examination will be conducted by Louisiana Fire & Emergency Training Academy staff.
NOTE: No student under the age of 17 is authorized to participate in any live fire training of evolutions
The Louisiana High School Fire Fighter Program (LHSFFP) authorized and created by the Louisiana Work Force Commission is a program designed to allow high school students to obtain certification as a fire fighter in a recognized high school fire fighter program. The goal of the program is a certified fire fighter work force upon graduation from high school.
The LHSFFP Committee will consist of representatives from the following stakeholders:
2-Members from Louisiana State Fire Marshal’s Fire and Emergency Training Academy appointed by the FETA Superintendent or their designee.
1-Member from Louisiana State Fire Marshal’s Fire and Emergency Training Academy’s Certification Division
1-Member from the Louisiana Fire Chiefs Association
1-Member from the Louisiana State Firefighters Association
1-Member representing FETA from the Southern part of the state appointed by the FETA Superintendent or their designee.
1-Member representing FETA from the Central part of the state appointed by the FETA Superintendent or their designee.
1-Member representing FETA from the Northern part of the state appointed by the FETA Superintendent or their designee.
2-At large members representing the fire service appointed by the other 9 LHSFFP Commission members.
1-Member from the high school education community
*Non-voting ad hoc committee members as deemed necessary by the LSHFFP Commission members.
Members of the LHSFFP Committee will serve a term of two years.
The following will initially serve for a one-year term in order to prevent a complete replacement of all members at one time:
The LHSFFP officers shall consist of the chairperson, vice-chairperson, and the secretary. These officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the LHSFFP Committee members. Individuals running for the office of chairperson, vice-chairperson or secretary may not cast a vote for the office they are seeking. Elections will be held during the first meeting of the calendar year.
Duties of the Chairperson. The Chairperson shall conduct or facilitate all of the meetings, business or other activities of the LHSFFP Committee. The Chairperson or their designee will be the official representative of the LHSFFP Committee.
Duties of the Vice-chairperson. In the absence of the chairperson, the vice-chairperson shall conduct or facilitate all of the meetings, business or other activities of the LHSFFP Committee. In the absence of the chairperson, the Vice-chairperson or their designee will be the official representative of the LHSFFP Committee.
Duties of the Secretary. The Secretary shall record minutes of meetings and maintain all records of the LHSFFP Committee and the LHSFFP. The Secretary shall inform members of upcoming meetings and notify members of actions or activities taken by the LHSFFP Committee between meetings.
The LHSFFP Committee will operate on a calendar year beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31.
The LHSFFP Committee will follow the established “Robert’s Rules of Orders” when conducting meetings or business.
A quorum of the committee members present is necessary to conduct binding committee business. A majority of votes cast for or against will decide whether a motion is accepted or rejected.
The LHSFFP Committee will meet as often as necessary to conduct the business of the LHSFFP. The chairperson may call for a special meeting to address issues that arise between regular meetings.
The LHSFFP Committee will establish the rules and regulations for the program as well as serving as the oversight authority for the program.
The LHSFFP Committee will approve or reject applications to establish a LHSFFP by a school, school district, school board or fire organization based on guidelines and rules set forth by this committee. Applicants may appeal the rejection of an LHSFFP application to the LHSFFP Committee.
Individual applications shall be approved or rejected by their school, school district, school board or fire organization. The LHSFFP Committee will not hear appeals by individual applicants.
The fire department must show proof of insurance. The departments insurance must cover all participants of the fire fighter program.
The fire department must have policies for their program. If the department has a junior fire fighter program with policies established, this will suffice.
Have worker’s compensation insurance for all participants. The department must show proof of worker compensation insurance to the Louisiana FETA.
Turn in a signed affidavit stating that all participants have been cleared to participate by a medical doctor prior to being accepted into the program. This affidavit must be signed by the fire chief of the participating department.
Have a designated program lead from their department. The program lead must meet all requirements to become a program lead. (These requirements are listed under the program lead requirements section that is located on page 2 of the application).
Have designated instructors for their program. The department should follow the recommendations to become a program instructor as closely as possible.
(These recommendations are listed under the Recommended Requirements section of the application).
Enter all names and information for designated instructors under the designated program instructors section of the application.
Have at least (1) Certified Live fire instructor in charge. The name and information of the instructor in charge must be entered under the “Live Fire Instructor in charge section” of the application. (If the department doesn’t have a certified live fire instructor in charge available to them, Louisiana FETA will assign one to their program).
Turn in the curriculum being used as well as an agenda with a timeline to Louisiana FETA for approval. The curriculum being used MUST be NFPA 1001 compliant.
All participants PPE must be NFPA compliant. Participants PPE will be checked by FETA evaluators throughout the duration of the program.
Turn in a practical request form for the participants prior to testing for the certification exam. Louisiana FETA must administer all final practical skills evaluations that are needed prior to testing for certification.
Have all training props that are required to meet the JPRs for the program. If the department doesn’t have a prop/s, they must have an approved location that has the required training props. (Example: A neighboring department or facility)
A designated FETA representative will come to the training facility or fire station of the department applying or an alternate approved training site and perform a walkthrough of their training room and props. This will ensure all props and facilities being used to meet the required JPRs are adequate.
FETA will perform this site visit to approve the site or prop before it can be utilized.
Additional site visits during the course of the program may occur.
13. Ensure all sections of the application are signed by the person designated for each section. The sections requiring signatures are:
Program Lead
School principal
Training site Chief if using an alternate site
Live fire instructor in charge
Fire Chief of the department participating
Signed affidavit for medical clearance (Fire Chief signature required)
Phone #
List all recommended certifications that they hold
Phone #
Proof of IFSAC Live Fire Instructor certification
The student must be 16 years of age or older to enter the program
The student must be 17 years of age or older to participate in live fire evolutions and to be able to take an IFSAC certification exam.
The students must complete the following in order to test for the fire fighter 1 exam. It is recommended that the classes listed below be taken prior to entry into the program but must be taken before the student can take the Firefighter 1 exam.
NOTE: The student can enter the program at 16 years old but must be 17 years old to complete the program.
Mail completed packages to:
Louisiana Fire & Emergency Training Academy
Attn: Dustin Kleinpeter
6868 Nicholson Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70820
Completed application packages must be received on the last day of the month preceding a scheduled meeting.
To be announced
Louisiana Fire & Emergency Training Academy
6868 Nicholson Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70820
Phone: (225)-372-6944
Copyright - Louisiana Fire & Emergency Training Academy, All Rights Reserved.