Course Description:
The course material covered in this class fulfills the requirements for Fire Officer II as described in the current edition of NFPA 1021. The objective of this course is to provide the student with training in company operations and administration.
Major topics covered in the course are human resource management, managing affirmative action, government agencies, supervisor and subordinate interaction, the budgetary process, information management systems, health and safety, fire safety inspection, public fire education, specialized fire protection equipment, organizational communications, strategic planning, and tactics. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, classroom exercises, case studies, audio/visual material, learner presentations/reports, quizzes, final written examination, and skills check off list.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to effectively manage human resources, community/public relations, fire department organization and administration including budgets, reports, and planning, fire inspection, investigation, public education, and emergency service delivery safety.
The student must be certified in Fire Officer I and Fire Instructor I from the Louisiana Firefighter Certification Program or another agency accredited by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) or Pro Board. Students must be able to pass the practical skills assessment given in order to take the written exam.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be recommended to take the Fire Officer II certification examination offered by the Firefighter and Emergency Responder Certification Program. Students will be recommended to take the Fire Officer II certification examination offered by the Fire-fighter and Emergency Responder Certification Program. This is optional and will be given at the conclusion of the course.
There is a separate charge for taking the certification exam; it is not included in the course fees. Details of the certification process and examination material can be found under the certification tab on the main page of the website.
Class Notes:
80% attendance and participation is required in order to successfully complete the course and receive the course completion certificate. Pre-tests and Post-tests may be given to assess the knowledge obtained from the course.
A pre-course assignment may be given. More Notes »