Course Description:

This course provides the necessary skills needed to function as a firefighter at or near an operating airport. Participants will receive advanced training in 11 subject areas set forth by the FAA. Participants will also receive training in other areas such as tank farm fires, propane gas fires, aircraft search and rescue, military aircraft familiarization and extensive hands-on extinguishment of hydrocarbon fuel fires. In addition to live fire training, participants receive classroom instruction, including tabletop exercises.

This course meets and/or exceeds the standards set forth by NFPA 1003, Airport Firefighter Professional Qualifications and FAA/FAR part 139. To finish the course, each participant is required to complete 16 practical skill stations.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be recommended to take the Airport Firefighter certification examination offered by the Louisiana Firefighter and Emergency Responder Certification Program.


The Airport Firefighter certification examination is offered by the Firefighter and Emergency Responder Certification Pro-gram to the students who successfully complete the course. This is optional and will be given at the conclusion of the course.

The student must be certified in Fire Fighter II from the Louisiana Firefighter Certification Program or another agency ac-credited by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) or Pro Board. Students must be able to pass the practical skills assessment given in order to take the written exam.

There is a separate charge for taking the certification exam; it is not included in the course fees. Details of the certification process and examination mate- rial can be found under the certification tab on the main page of the website.

Class Notes:

80% attendance and participation is required in order to successfully complete the course and receive the course completion certificate. Pre-tests and Post-tests may be given to assess the knowledge obtained from the course. More Notes »





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